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Here’s the first of many dedicated photo galleries.

This series was conducted over the course of two semesters, when I was really interested in image warping and graphic glitching. It began as a curious personal exploration, but eventually built itself into a utopian narrative and social commentary.

I was able to build sets of imagery under deadlines for my first digital art course at RPI, where I decided to experiment with the idea of an ingestible utopia that is user-specific, and therefore constantly shifting between different personalities and creating new internal and external architecture when two experiences may collide.

Photo Jan 04, 6 42 16 PM.jpg


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I began with early, idiosyncratic experiments. I was making new playlist covers, posters, and backgrounds.

Photo Jan 04, 4 32 18 PM.jpg

I liked the energetic neon aesthetic of my images falling apart—it seemed like an entropic destiny for some, and shifting tensions began to reveal themselves with each deeper edit. I began to dive into the world of pixel-sorting and color shape distortion as I took friends out for photo shoots.

Photo Dec 28, 6 24 36 PM.jpg

stood slipping splitting splicing

red hot fever dream

Photo Dec 28, 6 36 09 PM.jpg

Pretty soon I found myself in my first digital arts class at RPI, and the semester’s theme was none other than the broad, limitless world of “Utopia.”

I went wild with several different photo shoots and editing styles, only occasionally going for the glitch and focusing more on long exposures and atmospheric layering. I wanted to capture movement, mind and matter interacting with one another. I was trying to illustrate my form of utopia—not a physical space, but an internal shift. What would that look like?

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What would the transition be from the normal world to the utopian one? Would an atmosphere start to leak in, personal imagery appear, desires reveal themselves? What if those desires are at odds with the world we normally exist in?


The last edits I’ve made came from a beach day in Brazil on my 21st birthday.

(Below: Original Photo Olivia Rosado)





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