the new mighty

Photo May 09, 1 20 21 PM (1).jpg

Looks like we're trying this again.

Only this time, we'll be a bit more structured. And stylish.

It's been an incredibly eventful few months since this website has seen multiple posts a week, and I've been thinking about it nonstop the whole time. Changes in my life have led to a newfound perspective in what I've been doing versus what I really want to do.

Yes, I love architecture and architecture school, even though it has improbable time constraints and ridiculous effects on physical and mental health. Yes, I love RPI even though I go most days in the semester on 5 hours of sleep a night and 1 meal a day. Yes, I love New York even through the bitter cold months and humid summers (currently in the process of surviving my first). And yes, I am okay.

I have, however, realized that living a life of continual work with only calculated moments to enjoy other things is not healthy, and not okay. I now refuse to let school define my life, from my social schedule to my sleep schedule. I am not going to work myself to death, only to graduate and work until death. 

These are some of the best years of my life, and I've only recently begun to realize that I'm not taking full advantage of it. I've struggled through navigating "the great balance," the taxing process of trying to do everything. I'm doing well academically, but ideologically... not so hot. In the past few months I've begun to change how I approach things, trying to spend less time worrying about the next thing and more time enjoying it all as I go.

Little things like walking to EMPAC hill with some friends on a snow day to slide down the slope on commons trays, only to spend the rest of the day ignoring schoolwork for laughter and not giving two flipped shits about it.

Big things like going to a concert spontaneously and befriending total strangers, ending the night in pizza, ice cream and liberated cartwheels down the streets of New York City.

Life is meant for a constant change in perspectives, and I'm starting to realize which of mine could use a little refreshing.

I've realized a lot this past semester. I took 26 credits and 2 new jobs, and came out a bruised but stronger person because of it. I realized that I tend to overwork myself in order to run away from my problems. It's not a coping mechanism, but more a means of survival. I have a lot going on internally, so I push it to the side until I'm strong and comfortable enough to deal with it. I'm still learning a lot about myself, and the roads I have to take to finally get to that stronger, surer place.

In the meantime, I'm working on overcoming anxieties out of my control. I'm realizing all the habits I've been stuck in that have let me keep hating who I am, and I'm replacing them one by one with positive choices and systems that will help myself and others grow.

I love writing. I love photography and editing. I love architecture. I'm hoping, that through this outlet and others, I can find a way to love all of those things and learn to love myself.

This New Mighty is [so far] way more personal than I intended it to be, and now I think I've made up my mind to keep the ball rolling in that department. This shit feels good. I've been writing and plan to keep on publishing more posts centered around music, film, and writing. There will be more curated photography albums, with more posts diving into the details of my architectural projects too. I'm even hoping to write about (in real time) what it's like to live in Latin America for four months, with pictures of Argentina, Patagonia and Machu Picchu tagging along.

Until then, we'll take it a day at a time and build up content creatively and organically. It's a new day, and we all have the opportunity to be new and better people.

This New Mighty is going to be better. If not for you, for me.

Photo May 14, 5 40 32 PM.jpg


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