

studio urban design I

collaborators dongdong shu, kejie wang

advisors mclain clutter, gina reichert

institution university of michigan - ann arbor


How do we know cities? What tools do urban actors use to make a city ‘knowable.’ and how do those constructs and technologies inform our sense of place and purpose in urban life?

In an effort to uncover potential futures for Detroit’s beloved riverwalk, local histories and layered studies reveal a dis-aggregated riverfront in transition. Fragmented land ownership, hopes for a continuous riverwalk, industrial pollution and uneven access points make the old Uniroyal tire factory site uniquely capable of holding multiple speeds, vectors, and typologies for a heterogeneous riverfront. An intimate understanding of urban velocity becomes the critical design factor. How can urban design facilitate a heterotopia of speeds, enclaves, relationships, and moments? Why is it needed?

Check below to see the project in my current edited design portfolio:
